
Daniel Almazán López


The present writing analyses myth as a source of the disciplines. That is, interpreted realities
that established the basis of scientific observation, religious practices, conception of
mysticism, among many others. This construction is the antechamber/ prelude to human
reasoning, through which the different social, political, religious, and mystical realities were
built. There will be a dialogue how theology is a conduit of interpretation of reality, and how
realities interpreted through it still underlie our times. For example, the business dynamics in
its mystical diversity, since within it are ascribed labor philosophies, which have now been
internalized as mysticism in the thinking of workers on a dialectical level called society,
where complexity is part of everyday life. It will be thought about two main issues. First,
how is the theological dynamics essential to the dialogue of transdisciplinary? And secondly,
how can theology be ascribed to the dialogue of trans disciplinarity in methodological and
theoretical dynamics? This question will be answered from what theology brings to its
emphasis on helping society. Since one cannot speak of complexities if one does not consider
the subjective aspects of society, theology such as Wissenschaften des Geistes (German:
Sciences of the spirit) is part of the transversal of human construction and of the dialogue of

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transdisciplinarity, complexity, theology, myth, mystique, dialogue

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How to Cite
Almazán López, D. (2020). CV. TRANSDISCIPLINARITY AND THEOLOGY THEOLOGICAL COMMUNITY OF MEXICO . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.271
Artículos Científico