
Enma Marlene Paccha Márquez


The finance education is a tool that makes possible taking advantage of the different types of
the financial services, becoming the means to counteract poverty and social inequality, based
on the principles of the importance of economize, developing in the producer a conscious
attitude (of the capital and investment possibility) and positive (of improvement and
empowerment) that will makes develop their business.
Throughout the last decade, in the city of Loja, some businesses have been developing
oriented towards agricultural, artisanal, and manufacturing activities, with high deficit of
cost-benefit and application of financial strategies.
Low schooling and limited access to financing sources are conceived as the most influential
causes in the stagnation of these microenterprise activities; the absence of a formal
administrative structure as a company, directs activities to a single member of the family
nucleus, who produces for daily subsistence, but not to generate profits that guarantee a longterm profit-making activity, causing little production and income.
Being essential the economic development of the towns, the investigation, of a descriptive
and analytical nature, aims to reach rural enterprises in this city, to encourage the creation of
a responsible financial culture, that allows them to achieve sustained development over time
and contribute to local, regional, and national economic development. As well as the correct
decision-making regarding access and use of the services provided by the financial system

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micro-business development, financial education, rural entrepreneurship

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Paccha Márquez, E. M. (2020). CI. THE FINANCE EDUCATION FOR THE RURAL ENTERPRISES OF THE LOJAECUADOR CITY. IMPACT ANDS PROSPECTS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.267
Artículos Científico