
William Leonardo Perdomo Vanegas - Leidy Patricia Mesa Jaimes


The armed conflict in Colombia originated in the 1940s, when the liberal guerrillas were born
to defend themselves against the repression of the conservative government of the time. All
these dynamics generated violence and inequality in vulnerable populations. After the peace
accords with the FARC guerrillas, these communities still feel forgotten and relegated within
the framework of reconciliation and symbolic reparation; Therefore, it is pertinent to
implement research that addresses the relationships between armed conflict and political
violence, with differentiated effects on the population according to gender, ethnicity, age,
disability, among others.
This paper is the product of the process of inquiry into the state of the art on the historical
memory of the armed conflict in Colombia. This exercise is part of the research entitled
"Audiovisual narratives as a didactic strategy for the reconstruction of the historical memory
of the armed conflict in San Martín", which seeks to make visible the narratives of the victims
of the conflict in which the experiences of the entire community converge, in which older
adults, adults, youth, minors and an indigenous community are linked. To that extent, the
article presents the most significant advances made by various institutions in the framework
of the memory and history of the armed conflict in Colombia, which are made visible through
a differential approach.


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memory, history, conflict, differential approach

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How to Cite
Perdomo Vanegas -, W. L., & Mesa Jaimes, L. P. (2020). LXXV. APPROACH TO MEMORY ACTIONS AROUND THE ARMED CONFLICT IN COLOMBIA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.239
Artículos Científico