
Oswaldo Guerrero - Maritza Sánchez - Henry Ortiz - Myrian Hidalgo - Eliecer Carvajal


The great human and material losses that result from an adverse event and even more so when
it is of large proportions, especially in children from 0 to 3 years old where their vulnerability
increases (Priority 4 of the Sendai Framework) motivates higher education institutions
promote through its projects of connection with society the culture of risk management and
first aid in this case in the Child Development Centers (CDI) of Calderón, the population
directly benefited (3000 people) and the indirect: the population of influence of these.
Objective: to strengthen knowledge in first aid, accident prevention and risk management,
helping to reduce those affected by emergencies and / or disasters. Methodology: ResearchAction, analyzing 2 axes: 1) Risk management through the review and update of the
Emergency Plans, 2) First Aid, preparing a knowledge base line and subsequent training
cycle. Results: the first stage of the project carried out the gathering of information,
qualitative analysis of risk levels (high and medium), brigades and knowledge in first aid,
denoting major deficiencies in terms of risk management and a deep ignorance of ways to
act against to an emergency. Conclusions: the emergency plans of the 20 CDIs and an
institution of the Public Administration were updated 100%, certain that the new emergency
plans will improve the response capacities against the materialization of threats to which the
population of Calderón, the personnel's capacities to face daily emergency situations were
also improved.

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risks, disasters, vulnerability, response, emergency

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Guerrero -, O., Sánchez -, M., Ortiz -, H., Hidalgo -, M., & Carvajal, E. (2020). LXV. PROMOTION OF THE CULTURE OF RISK MANAGEMENT AND FIRST AID IN THE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERS OF G.A.D. OF CALDERÓN. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.229
Artículos Científico