
Emerson Burbano - Gabriel Chasi - Andrés Rosero


The objective of the research was to determine how the institutional management of disaster
management is perceived and the relationship between age and the effectiveness of
institutional emergency plans in two educational institutions with a high school level in
Quito-Ecuador. Methodology: qualitative-quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional,
exploratory research on a voluntary sample of 607 people to obtain data using a selfadministered questionnaire. Results: the population is divided into 43% men and 57%
women. The main threats to which it is considered exposed are earthquakes (75%) and crime
(79%), these generate a "High" degree of concern, they consider that their effects could
intensify over time and will be related to the human activity. 56% know the emergency plan
that the institution has, but 74% of them consider that these plans contribute to improving
institutional response capacities. By correlating the variables, it was determined that there is
a relationship between age and considering emergency plans to be effective in reducing
disaster risks. Conclusion: the construction of a culture for risk prevention requires the
highest degree of collective participation of all its social actors so that, through the resources
available, they can improve their response capacities in the face of emergencies and disasters.

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evacuation, risks, threats, disasters, perception

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How to Cite
Burbano -, E., Chasi -, G., & Rosero, A. (2020). LXII. ANALYSIS OF DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT. THE PERCEPTION OF 2 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS WITH A HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL IN ECUADOR. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.226
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