
Luisa Johanna Arias Tapasco - Carolina Centeno Perea


The present work is in the studies on masculinities, from the understanding of the sociocultural factors that influence their criticism and resignification by students of Law, Social
Communication and Social Work of Unicatólica. Some postulates of phenomenology and the
social construction of reality are retaken as a paradigm and theory that allow us to understand
the reality of students and the meanings they give to their masculinity. Methodologically it
is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, it requires convenience sampling and data
collection techniques are proposed, such as: semi-structured interview, discussion group,
interactive technique (photo word) and virtual questionnaire. The results highlight the
influence of the sociocultural context in the construction of masculinity as an aspect
recognized by most of the participants; Although in this influence the traditional position of
seeing man occupying a central place predominates, the participants in their speeches,
practices and reflections, seek to distance themselves from some actions that locate them in
privileged places for being men. It is evident that the university context has allowed them to
expand their relationships, influencing the appropriation of other views on the role of men
and women in society. The results illustrate the need to continue with studies that analyze the
different ways in which masculinity is configured from a relational perspective.

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masculinity, gender, sociocultural factors, resignification, education

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How to Cite
Arias Tapasco -, L. J., & Centeno Perea, C. (2020). LVII. RESIGNIFICATION OF MASCULINITY IN STUDENTS: AN EXPLORATION IN COLLEGES. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.221
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