
Jorge Luis Muñoz Montaño - Luz Andrea Bedoya Parra - Lina Marcela Bedoya Parra


The dynamics of the business environment coupled with trade between different markets
have encouraged organizations to worry about being more competitive and recognized in
regional and international contexts. When all these processes are thought and executed in a
holistic and responsible way, an added value is generated for the sake of true social
development, however, in most cases the process is inverse and does not go beyond
mandatory compliance with regulations. current sanctions. This paper analyzes knowledge
management around non-financial information reports, through the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI) directly related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and from her, with
the implementation of a social accounting subsystem. A phenomenological methodology
(experience) and hermeneutics (as holistic interpretation) have been used from a mixed
approach, with a situational case study technique (Pereira - Colombia). As the main result, it
is identified that this relevant and emerging field has been little addressed by the
organizations studied and, even, the majority do not consider or include in their management
and CSR reports of the 400 Series (401-419) of the GRI Standards, recognized for its social
aspects, which makes it impossible to determine in a holistic and missional way the real
impact that its operation achieves on employees and the social environment.

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GRI standards, non-financial reports, corporate social responsibility, holism.

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How to Cite
Muñoz Montaño -, J. L., Bedoya Parra -, L. A., & Bedoya Parra, L. M. (2020). XLIX. NON-FINANCIAL REPORTS AS A PRIORITY TO DETERMINE A HOLISTIC CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.213
Artículos Científico