
Andrea Carolina Redondo Méndez - Carlos Andrés Pinzón Muñoz - Oswaldo Ospina Martínez


The aim of this research is to analyze the creative ecosystem of Colombia from an
organizational perspective, highlighting culture as a catalyst for new business practices,
which are recognized as successful, but which do not identify or relate directly to the structure
thereof. This is to recognize the elements that are part of the Colombian creative ecosystem
and to identify its functioning based on its contribution to companies in the cultural sector.
We used an analytical method that combined the structural and functional aspects of the
cultural sector in Colombia, using variables that allowed us to identify the composition of
the sector and its relationship with the environment, these being part of the institutionalist,
financing, networking, and technical knowledge. The results obtained reflect the existence of
a strong organizational structure within the country, but with little knowledge and access for
the direct protagonists of the cultural sector, be they artists, entrepreneurs, or entrepreneurs.
It is also a structure that reflects the Colombian creative ecosystem and facilitates the
entrepreneurial activity of the sector, but which does not have sufficient coverage to be fully
recognized and harmonized. It is concluded that it is necessary to realize and relate the
complete structure of the creative ecosystem for Colombia based on skills and knowledge,
customer connection, financing, and professional networking.

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creative ecosystem, cultural sector, cultural industries, cultural business

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How to Cite
Redondo Méndez -, A. C., Pinzón Muñoz -, C. A., & Ospina Martínez, O. (2020). XXX. ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE CREATIVE ECOSYSTEM IN COLOMBIA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.194
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