
Victoria Sofia Saviñón Rodríguez - Diana Tailett Mora Díaz - Erika Dolores Ruiz


Today there is a union of companies that are not given the opportunities and importance they
really represent for the economy of country, based on the contribution they make to gross
domestic product, as well as being one of the main sources of employment in Mexico and
the rest of the Latin America countries. The research is justified from the criterion of practical
implication since there is a palpable difficulty in financial for MiPyMEs, therefore the results
that the study shows will help with this problem. The objective of the research is to assess
financial capabilities and their influence on the sales index of MiPyMEs in Tierra Blanca,
Veracruz. This research is applied in a quantitative / correlational / explanatory and nonexperimental way, using a sample by cases sectioned by business sectors, (business,
industrial and services), the instrument consists of 30 items. In general, the results show that
these companies have a semi-developed financial capacity and denote an influence on the
sales index. As part of the conclusions, it can be deduced that these economic entities
maintain an empirical financial administration that has been successful so far, however, this
provides a very important opportunity area to establish a methodology that allows them to
develop their capacity and permeate towards a most favorable competition.

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MSMEs, financing, financial capabilities, sales index

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How to Cite
Saviñón Rodríguez -, V. S., Mora Díaz -, D. T., & Ruiz, E. D. (2020). XXIV. EFFECT OF FINANCIAL CAPACITY ON THE SALES INDEX. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.188
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