
admin admin


This research approached the occupational health and safety management system of
a public Middle Education Institution from the perception of risk by teachers and the analysis
of safety in infrastructure through direct observation with a checklist for inspections of the
Ministry of Labor. It was evidenced a low perception of the associated risk by the officials.
This is due to the lack of fundamental aspects for the identification, prevention, control, and
monitoring of risks and pathologies linked to the teaching profession. Accordingly, the
inspection reflected a compliance level of 3.45% against the parameters of the instrument,
registering findings such as loose handrails, ramps without guards or fall protection,
biological risk due to infrastructure deterioration, uncovered sewers, among others. It is
inferred that the population has a low perception of the risk related to the development of
teaching activities, due to the unawareness of the factors associated with pathologies, the
prevention actions, and control measures that must be implemented to reduce the threat. The
low awareness of a safe and protected environment increases the vulnerability of the officials
and exposes them to occupational diseases and work accidents as evidenced in the previous
year. The foregoing, contrasted with the inspection carried out in the infrastructure, confirms
the lack of care and corroborates the low-risk awareness within the institution

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Risk, Management, Public, Prevention, Perception

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Citation Format
How to Cite
admin, admin. (2024). III. PERCEPCIÓN DEL RIESGO EN UNA INSTITUCIÓN DE EDUCACIÓN MEDIA PÚBLICA. Revista De Investigación En Gestión Industrial, Ambiental, Seguridad Y Salud En El Trabajo - GISST, 10(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.34893/gisst.v10i1.564
Articulo Científico