
Sandra Marcela Espitia González. Jhon Freddy Vega Duarte


Research project that aims to analyze taxation and its relationship
with the business formalization of economic sectors in the city of Piedecuesta,
Santander, the central problem was raised, the high percentage of labor informality and
existing business in the country and particularly in the Municipality, which affects
negatively in taxation, since informal companies do not pay taxes; and with this I know
reduce the income necessary for social investment, which implies that the
the two sustainable development goals decent work and economic growth as well as
sustainable cities and communities, since the goal is to reduce business informality
which according to the National Administrative Department of Statistics DANE, is situated in a
48.2% in the year 2020, the objective is to promote tax formalization, legal and
administrative, at the methodological level the research is applied, with a focus
mixed that combines quantitative information (data) with qualitative analysis; the
The results report that having a deep, reflective and updated structured document
on taxation and its relationship with business formalization in the city of
Piedecuesta, can serve as an input for the development of policies and strategies of
business strengthening.

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Taxation, Informality, Companies, Formalization, Investment.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Espitia González. , S. M., & Vega Duarte, J. F. (2023). VI. TAXATION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH BUSINESS FORMALIZATION OF ECONOMIC SECTORS IN THE CITY DE PIEDECUESTA, SANTANDER. Revista De investigación científica, Empresarial Y tecnológica, 7(1), 26. https://doi.org/10.34893/ricet.v7i1.487
Artículos Científicos