
Miguel Ángel Hernández Gómez Esmeralda Hernandez Hernández https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6964-7326 Elino Villanueva González https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6609-4121 Daniel Mora Magallón https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9334-7780


This work is the result of a research project carried out in early 2021 in the city of
Chilpancingo, capital of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Which aims to show how social
networks also make disability invisible (accentuated more in women and girls), this being a
type of violence that postmodern society carries out as a logical and systemic behavior of
capitalism. The methodology used was qualitative and participatory (interviews, workshops,
observation, reports, focus group). This work aims to contribute and be a reference for local
authorities on the pending agenda; especially for women and girls with disabilities, who were
assumed in an adverse context, without information on how to face the disability; Now they
already have information on their human rights and how to demand them, as well as know
the legal and administrative instruments that international organizations have established for
the allied countries to adopt and assume for their qualitative well-being, with which they can
face their individual reality, family and community. We begin with a brief contextualization
of the situation of PwD in Chilpancingo. Subsequently, a conceptual approach to disability
is carried out. Afterwards, a count is made of the activities that were developed in the project.
Finally, a form of local organization adopted by PwD is presented to make them visible
socially and on social networks.

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KEYWORDS: Disability, Violence, Invisibility, Capitalism, Social networks.

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How to Cite
Hernández Gómez, M. Ángel ., Hernandez Hernández, E. ., Villanueva González, E. ., & Mora Magallón, D. . (2021). I. BETWEEN THE COMMON AND THE NORMAL. THE INVISIBILITY OF WOMEN AND GIRLS WITH A DISABILITY IN SOCIAL NETWORKS. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v5i5.6
Artículos Científicos