
Fernando Cardona Sánchez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0579-0673


This article points out investigative results, which arise from the analysis of an
organizational proposal that collected information in a community-type. Their protagonists
defined as “El Truque Solidario”, actions considered as a solidarity mechanism in disruptive
situations of social and economic crisis. This took place at the beginning of the pandemic
caused by Covid-19 in 2020, and which had a considerable impact on some marginal sectors
of Bogotá. The systematization of experiences was the guide of methodological, analytical
and reflective processes. The speeches and organizational practices of a group of women,
who decided to organize themselves as a form of autonomous and neighborhood response,
were analyzed in the face of the government's inoperativeness to deal with situations of public
calamity. Currently, the proposal has been reconfigured assuming other purposes that
maintain the principles of the initial proposal.

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How to Cite
Cardona Sánchez, F. . (2022). II. PANDEMIC, SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND INEFFECTIVENESS OF PUBLIC POLICY, TRIGGERS FOR COLLECTIVE ACTION IN THE SOUTH OF THE CITY OF BOGOTÁ. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v5i5.53
Artículos Científicos