This paper analyzes the importance of education as one of the main drivers in the
rights achieved by women during the Government of the Second Spanish Republic, between
1931 and 1936. Among the objectives set are to prove how women took advantage of the
change of political regime in Spain to become associations that would fight for access to
education, the improvement in literacy rates and the approval of fundamental rights such as
women's suffrage or the approval of laws on divorce or abortion.
It shows some of these reforms led by the women themselves who played some
political role in the Government of the Second Republic and how the improvement of their
educational, social and labor conditions was achieved. Unfortunately, the Civil War truncated
everything and the subsequent post-war years would plunge the country into a new and
different stage that annulled everything that had been achieved previously. A domestic and
maternal role was imposed on the new generations of women, limiting their access to
education and many of the freedoms enjoyed in previous years by their own mothers and
grandmothers. In conclusion, it demonstrates the power of education over society and
consequently the importance of knowing how to direct it in the right way
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Education, II Republic, Women, Women's suffrage, Teachers
en Asturias.
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