
Isabel Calvo González - Laura Vargas León - Randy Chavarría Briceño


This document shows the experience of evaluation, improvement and accreditation
that the Baccalaureate and Bachelor's degree in Economic and Social Planning of the
National University has developed from 2008 to 2021 in light of the main concepts on quality
and continuous improvement of higher education.
A reflection is generated around quality and management improvement practices,
specifically in public higher education, using the Deming Cycle as the basis for continuous
improvement as an analytical method.
The main result of this analysis is that, one of the greatest challenges of quality
management in the career consists of transcending from purely administrative management
actions to continuous improvement processes at the teaching level, it is also proposed that
there must be a culture of systematic registration of evidence, which justifies the
improvements to be incorporated in the educational process of the students of the career.
As a conclusion, quality management and continuous improvement in higher
education should start from the strengthening of the pedagogical competencies of the
teaching staff until the periodic review of the contents of the courses of the study plan, so
that, the students count with the theoretical, methodological and instrumental training
necessary and updated to successfully face the demands of the labor market.

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Quality, Evaluation, Accreditation, Higher education

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How to Cite
Calvo González -, I., Vargas León -, L., & Chavarría Briceño, R. (2022). VII. QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION: CASE OF THE SCHOOL OF PLANNING AND SOCIAL PROMOTION. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, COSTA RICA. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 7(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v7i1.401
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