
Lucas Oscar Antonio Stegagnini Carina Lorena Fernández


Public corruption is a phenomenon that affects all countries and regions and persists
despite efforts to eradicate it. In the worlwide, the degree of citizen’s perception of
governments corruption is estimated according to the Global Corruption Barometer. This
perception is influenced by the increase in complaints, which are widely disseminated by the
media and not always end up in conviction, which generates in society a feeling of lack of
justice that influences its normal functioning. Although this suggests the need of knowing
the vision of the citizens on the effectiveness of the fight against corruption, most of the
studies in Latin America are conducted as analysis of current regulations or political
approaches after resounding cases of corruption, so it is proposed a qualitative study to know
the reflections of different social actors on the state mechanisms to fight agaisnt corruption,
using a multiple case study, collecting data through semi-structured interviews, then
triangulating with the information from the documentary analysis of current regulations and
the evolution of corruption complaints. It is thus expected to generat a knowledge about the
social vision of the strengths and weaknesses of the mechanisms for the fight against public
corruption and their impact on the functioning of society as a whole, which is of interest in
terms of citizen participation.

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governance, citizen participation, anti-corruption mechanisms, lawfare, transparency international.

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How to Cite
Stegagnini, L. O. A. ., & Fernández, C. L. . (2022). V. REFLECTIONS BY SOCIAL ACTORS ON THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IN THE PUBLIC GOVERNMENT. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 5(5). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v5i5.105
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