Talking about educational policy in Mexico seems a common place and when doing
so it is convenient to remember the arguments of a classic Mexican thinker, who said “It is
often preached that the literacy of all Mexicans depends on the national well-being and the
aggrandizement of the homeland.” (Gamio, 2002). However, he clarifies not accepting that
the educational factor produces such miracles if it is not accompanied by complementary
factors in politics and economics and ethnicity. The process of bringing education to society
is an important component of national development. In this research work we carry out an
analysis of public policy approaches based on the national development plans 2013-2018 and
2019-2024 with the aim of understanding and evaluating which of them is the component of
educational policy in Mexico, we will explore the main educational lags in Mexico from the
point of view of the last six-year term and what we have from the current one, in order to
make an exploratory and explanatory methodological analysis in a retrospective,
longitudinal, descriptive way, from a historical perspective, reaching the reflections and
results that at the Talking about educational quality in the country should be done from a
framework that accounts for the commitment assumed by all sectors involved in educational
work, to build an education that is based on equity, relevance and social responsibility.
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Policy, Education, Quality, Improvement, Transition.
del poder, la prosperidad y la pobreza. México, Critica.
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