International migration is the movement of people who leave their country of origin
or in which they have habitual residence, to settle temporarily or permanently in another
country other than their own. The objective of this research was to analyze the impact of
migration on the Chilean health system. A qualitative methodology was used, of a descriptive
type of documentary review with critical analysis of the different implications of the
migratory process in the health system in Chile. Results: Chile has presented the highest
growth rate of the migrant population of Latin American countries between 2010 and 2015.
Today in Chile there are more than 800,000 migrants. Migrants can travel in precarious
conditions, work in higher risk industries, live in unhealthy conditions and be stigmatized,
which is why a transversal national policy is required, and not just health, regarding the living
conditions of migrants. By way of conclusion, the State must observe, study, analyze and
prioritize actions; intervene and develop a permanent health surveillance system in the
processes of social adaptation that the migrant community must face, observing all the public
policy instruments that different organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health
Organization and the Pan American Health Organization
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Chile, Impact, Migration, Health System, Public Health
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