
Sergio Armando Olave Rodríguez https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6900-0277


More and more students from the Normal Schools are giving up their life project in teaching, despite being directed towards pedagogy during their school life. This paper presents some meanings of students who begin their teacher training in a Normal School in the rural sector. The narrative method and the autobiographical narrative were used to have an approach to the emotions, desires and expectations in relation to their teaching identity. Students from the first and third semesters of the Complementary Training Program of the Normal de Saboyá participated in the years 2020 and 2021. With these narratives it was revealed that the teaching profession is not framed in the vocation but in that decision of those who choose to be teachers by causalities that are appreciated throughout the analysis of the speech, establishing the sense as a category of discursive order; likewise, the conditions of rurality are a factor that opens the debate to the reflection of rethinking the image of the teacher as an educational professional in these institutions. The life stories of the country student are framed in values and judgments that must be abolished just to grow up in rural areas; this makes it possible to meet dynamics that we do not know about and that seek to be heard by the faculties of education and the main government entities.  

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Education, School of teachers, Speech, Teacher training, Life project

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How to Cite
Olave Rodríguez, S. A. . (2022). XXIX. RURAL NORMALIST VOICES, AN APPROXIMATION FROM THE NARRATIVE TO THE SENSE OF BEING A TEACHER AS A LIFE PROJECT IN TEACHER TRAINING STUDENTS OF A RURAL NORMAL SCHOOL IN COLOMBIA . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.96
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