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The relationship with the external sector or social interaction is a factor that has taken great value in any entity and Higher Education Institutions are no exception. Currently, at the University of Cundinamarca, Colombia, the management of social interaction, at the program level, is carried out manually, for this reason we proceeded to design a computer module, in a web environment, that fulfills this task and that has the possibility of joining the institutional academic platform. The computer solution designed allows the storage of information by making use of a virtual repository of documentation of activities, a calendar that schedules the different events to be developed, a control panel of attendance to events and a report of historical activities of social interaction of the academic program, and a system for event requests, among other functions. For the design of the computer module, the agile SCRUM software development methodology was used, because it provides continuous and incremental improvement thanks to its feedback tools and adaptation to changing requirements, and for modeling UML diagrams were used in the design of each of the dimensions of the software. The computer module proposes a greater optimization in the management and control of University Interaction activities within university programs.  

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Social interaction, Software modeling, Information systems, Computer module

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How to Cite
admin, admin. (2022). XXVIII. COMPUTER SOLUTION, IN A WEB ENVIRONMENT, FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF SOCIAL INTERACTION OF PROGRAMS . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.95
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