We analyze the opinion of the UNCAUS Virtual Law career graduates in relation to their experiences in the process of joining the labor market. Therefore, a questionnaire was prepared and validated through expert judgment, on following categories of the graduates: socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge acquired, intentions to abandon the career, professional practices or internships, employment situation. Results indicates that 64% of students are between 31 and 50 years old, 18% are over 51 years old, 14% are between 26 and 30 years old, and 4% are between 18 and 25 years old, also 91% of the students completed their studies in 5 years. Likewise, 50% of them indicated that they had worked. Regarding the content of the career, 55% consider it very good and 50% updated, 54% considering the theoretical contents very good, 36% good and 10% regular; and 54% practical training good, 23% regular, and 22% very good. The 31% of the students got a job immediately, 25% took around 6 months to get a job, 44% more than a year. The main fields of performance of the graduates are public employee (43%), free profession (30%) and judicial employee (27%). These results will serve to define improvements in the career, such as implementing followup, evaluation and job placement programs.
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Opinion of graduates, Assessment of the career, Training by competencies, Labor market, Follow-up
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