
Brenda Midhely García Ortiz Yessica García Hernández María Dolores Martínez García


With an adequate financial education at an early age, students can better manage their finances and business in their adult lives, however, the issue of financial education in México is overlooked within the teaching of financial skills in Higher Educational Institutions. The objective in this study was to analyze the level of financial education in young students of a Higher Education Institution in Hidalgo, to make a comparison between the different educational programs. The study is quantitative and descriptive in scope; the methodology was characterized by being descriptive. The data collection instrument used, addresses sociodemographic aspects, as well as the level of financial education. The population included 2,775 students from 10 educational programs and a sample size of 342 students. The results of this study show that there is no effective financial education in the surveyed students, which can be seen in findings such as: the low level of financial education with 76.61%, while the high level only exists in 0.88% of the participants studied; and the marked differentiation between educational programs, since the high level is only contemplated in the administration and tourism programs, where administrative economic subjects are taught. Financial knowledge in students is low, requiring an improvement in the quality of financial education, at this stage, or in the future.  

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Financial education, Young university students, Higher Education Institution

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How to Cite
García Ortiz, B. M., García Hernández, Y. ., & Martínez García, M. D. . (2022). XVI. FINANCIAL EDUCATION IN UNIVERSITY YOUNG PEOPLE FROM AN INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN HIDALGO, MÉXICO: A COMPARISON BETWEEN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.83
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