
Marisol Molina Orozco


The current situation presented by the COVID 19 pandemic has put teachers in front of a new experience and changed teaching processes. The pandemic produced a new meaning of teaching practices when feelings and thoughts arose in the pedagogical practice mediated by digital tools. This qualitative research aimed to analyze the impact of the use of digital tools in the teaching processes of teachers of the transition degree of the IED Laurel de Cera de Bogotá Colombia during the Covid 19 pandemic. The research analyses the emotions and attitudes experienced by teachers in their pedagogical practices during the pandemic and the pedagogical use and purpose of digital tools in teaching practices. Finally, these findings were analyzed using the categories of emotional management, attitude, and pedagogical use of digital tools. The survey instrument was applied to teachers applying each category. It was concluded that teachers experienced predominant emotions such as calm and surprise. Despite the situation presented, teachers have also positively assumed their roles, with attitudes of readiness and motivation, giving continuity to the teaching process in times of the Covid pandemic19.  

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Covid 19 pandemic, Teachers, Digital tools, Emotions, Aptitudes, Pedagogic practices

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How to Cite
Molina Orozco, M. . (2022). XI. STUDY THE DIGITAL TOOLS USED BY TEACHERS UN THE TEACHING PROCESSES OF THE TREANSITION DEGREE OF THE I.E.D LAUREL DE CERA FROM THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.78
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