
Claudia Patricia Hernández Arbelàez


Educational eclecticism is based on the use of the best elements of several methods to form a new one, it is implemented in linguistics to develop the capacity for critical reasoning however, the intellectual progress of individuals is promoted from two fronts verbal ability and mathematical ability. The model proposed by the research is based on an eclectic paradigm for the teaching of mathematics rescues its fundamental elements from constructivism from the theory of evaluation that of a formative type and conquers significant and innovative teaching and learning methods with the aim that the student develops deductive thinking skills for solving problems and enhances their intellect from both fronts. The research methodology is qualitative since it facilitates the interpretation explanation and description of the effectiveness of the model. The results show that the implementation in education of this model favors the development of critical analysis and deductive logical thinking for the resolution of contextualized problems that require the use of mathematical tools. The conclusions derived from the study allow us to see that the model can be implemented in any training space independent of the technological facilities available and that a curricular reflection is required, which allows these spaces to be resinified to facilitate the implementation of new models that lead to fulfill the purposes of education.  

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Eclecticism, Constructivism, Education, Intelligence, Evaluation

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How to Cite
Hernández Arbelàez, C. P. . (2021). VIII. TEACHING MATHEMATICS THROUGH AN ECLACTIC METHODOLOGY A MODEL TO ENCOURAGE DEDUCTIVE THINKING SKILLS . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.75
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