The research was developed in a multinational company, leader in the design and development of automotive structures (chassis). The objective was to provide a solution to the problem presented, there was a lack of a method that would allow the evaluation of service providers. Maintenance service providers play an important role in improving the overall efficiency of an organization because they allow continuity in the operation of processes, thus avoiding costs due to downtime (Ardila et al, 2016). To solve it, it was necessary to analyze and design the instruments using a comprehensive 360º approach. The research had a qualitative approach and the type of design was the case study (Creswell, 2013). The techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups. As a result, instruments were designed to evaluate the performance of service providers by the purchasing, maintenance and safety and hygiene areas and an instrument to evaluate the company itself by providers, as well as a concentrating table of the instruments, where it is visualized how the supplier performance evaluation is made up from the perspective of all the participants of the 360° process and a graph with its corresponding final rating. In the end, the validation was carried out by the area managers and the plant manager.
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Evaluation of Suppliers, Comprehensive Evaluation, 360º Approach, Evaluation of Maintenance Services, Subcontracting of Maintenance Services
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