
Cuauhtémoc León Puertos Cirilo Gabino León Vega


This paper introduces the basic concepts about cleanrooms (sometimes spelled as clean rooms); it encompasses its definition, classification according to (NOM) national and (ISO) international regulation, which regulate anything from classification of air quality, all the way to the classification by nanoparticle concentration, among others; besides identifying the existing kinds of cleanrooms, and the application in the various industries that use them throughout the world, with special emphasis in the micro electromechanical system (MEMS) labs, that exist in Mexico. The main aim is to understand the current landscape in Mexico about the use of cleanrooms in the different industries; to achieve this, a review of international documental information was carried out from government and academic instances, regulatory agencies; companies that develop cleanrooms; as well as scientific magazines. The research method used on this paper was the descriptive research method, with the purpose of answering the question about the benefits from the manufacture of MEMS in Mexico that make use of cleanrooms. The literature review allowed for a greater knowledge about the use of cleanrooms in Mexico for the manufacture of MEMS; this in turn, allows for the reflection of the current technological breakthroughs, the national and international norms and standards that govern their design and operation, as well as future research with regards to cleanrooms for the manufacture of MEMS.

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Cleanrooms, MEMS, ISO14644-1, Industries, Mexico

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How to Cite
León Puertos, C. ., & León Vega, C. G. . (2021). V. CLEANROOMS AND THE PRODUCTIVE SECTORS THAT USE THEM IN MEXICO . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 6(6), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v7i7.72
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