
Martha Guadalupe Escoto Villaseñor https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9316-0681 Rosa María Navarrete Hernández Rosa Estela Russi García


Homework is a tool within the teaching-learning process that is generally focused on content, pursues objectives that can be established in terms of skills or competencies, in it the student puts into practice the acquired knowledge and their previous knowledge On some subject, these tasks allow the teacher to identify difficulties or processes that the student is not very clear about or that requires some reinforcement at the time of evaluating it. Given the speed of response and easy availability or access to different resources usable on the web, education faces the need to innovate in pedagogical methods, for this it is necessary to know what the networks offer, find out what tools are are within reach, and this requires introducing ourselves in this context, navigating, discovering, experimenting, analyzing, communicating and contributing, in this new environment. But what do the internet and some software offer to solve different academic works or school assignments that the teacher commonly gives to his students? The American philosopher Thomas Kuhn believes that when the general basic assumptions, theories, laws and technology adopted by members of the scientific community until now, cannot explain certain phenomena, anomalies and doubts related to the natural sciences, there will be a change. scientific paradigm. Abstract in Spanish: 220/230 words (min / max) justified first line indentation at 1.25 Concise description, the motive and objective of the manuscript, the most outstanding results and the main conclusions. It must be written in an impersonal way: «this work analyzes.  

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Homework, Education, Internet, Software, Paradigm shift

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How to Cite
Escoto Villaseñor, M. G. ., Navarrete Hernández, R. M. ., & Russi García, R. E. . (2022). XIV. SCHOOL HOMEWORK VS INTERNET A PARADIGM SHIFT . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 5(5), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v6i6.67
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