
Angie Daniela Fuentes Mendoza Karol Giselle Carmona Acosta


Women have played a very important role in society due to their effectiveness in various household chores and caring for their children and old people, that is why we analyze how over the years women have vindicated themselves within labor jobs, here we present the importance that they have had on a flower company in municipality of Nemocón, since in several flower companies, the majority of employees are women, but here we enter to analyze not only how with the passing of the years the job prospects have changed for women, but we also study the care of them in terms of their daily life, the accompaniment and support of other women at the time of any situation, showing that they are not individualistic human beings, the behavior is not only seen outside and inside the family or their family núcleo but also within their work. 

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Women 's, Production, Collective

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How to Cite
Fuentes Mendoza, A. D. ., & Carmona Acosta, K. G. . (2022). XI. COLLECTIVE WOMEN: SUPPORTING OR INVISIBLE WOMEN BEHIND THE FLOWER WORKERS . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 5(5), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v6i6.64
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