
Anthony Rosseau Flores Espinoza https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5490-4561 Zoraida Rocío Manrique Chávez https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0899-8747


The research report entitled "Internal communication in a school organization and its relationship with educational management in Educational Institutions No. 64012 of Callería, 64698 of Yarinacocha and 64040 of Manantay- 2018, was carried out within the framework of a non-experimental study, at the descriptive level. Its objective was to determine the level of dependence between internal communication in a school organization and educational management. To deepen the study, we used data collection instruments that were: the questionnaire, allowed to know objectively the opinion of teachers regarding educational management, in the dimensions: administrative, pedagogical and community. The interview guide, applied to the managers allowed to know the internal communication in its dimensions: identity, bond and affectivity. The study sample was of 54 appointed teachers and 6 managers, constituting a sample of 60 people between men and women. Whose selection was made probabilistically. To determine the level of dependence between variables, the Chi square was used, demonstrating statistically a degree of dependence of r = 0.04 which denotes that there is a theoretical degree of dependence between internal communication and educational management. What explains that in these institutions there is a significant development between internal communication in a school organization and educational management. 

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Internal communication, Educational management

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How to Cite
Flores Espinoza, A. R. ., & Manrique Chávez, Z. R. . (2022). IX. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION IN A SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS No. 64012 OF CALLERÍA, 64040 DE MANANTAY AND 64698 DE YARINACOCHA- UCAYALI- 2018 . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 5(5), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v6i6.62
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