
Diego Silva Jiménez Paula Beatriz Méndez Celis


All people learn differently, the way it is done is personal and individual; and it is the result of the mixture of multiple influences; the history, the genetic load, the modeling of the environment. The objective of the research was to identify the predominant learning styles in the students of the Speech-Language Pathologists career of a Chilean University. The methodology used in the research was quantitative, non-experimental, of a cross-sectional type, for the evaluation of learning styles in Speech-Language Pathologists students at a Chilean University. Learning styles were measured through the questionnaire for the identification of learning styles (General Directorate of the Bachillerato, 2004) based on the Herrmann Brain Quadrants model. The sample consisted of 28 students from the SpeechLanguage Pathologists career. The results obtained were that the students of the SpeechLanguage Pathologists career, present in the second year the predominance of the Left Cortical quadrant with 57%, in the third year, the dominance is the Right Cortical with 66.6% and in the fourth year it is Limbic Left with 31.8%. In conclusion, the learning styles of Speech-Language Pathologists students are different throughout their academic development per year, not coinciding with what is proposed in the literature, where health careers present a preference for the left hemisphere.  

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Speech therapy, Learning styles, Higher education, Learning, Students

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How to Cite
Silva Jiménez, D. ., & Méndez Celis, P. B. . (2022). V. LEARNING STYLES OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS STUDENTS . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 5(5), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v6i6.58
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