This work integrates the group from the elucidation that is presented in a multidimensional
way, makes it possible to think in the group to attract them to the field of research. It seeks
to explain the fragmentation of the target group through the inductive generation of
conceptual categories expressed in the regularities and associations between investigated
phenomena that access possible interpretive theories of group reality. From the ethnographic
perspective, the description that is made from the participant observation of the collegiate
sessions, the generation of open interviews that emerge from the categories generated by the
analysis, are permanently addressed. The teachers due to their performance as essential
subjects of the group, therefore; the researcher and the informant’s teachers and teachers that
make up the sample grouped institutionally in four metropolitan schools and four foreign
schools. Resulting from this process, categories such as institutional group, subtle power,
group fragmentation, and group negotiations are obtained. That is why the fragments contain
ontic senses that constitute an idea that, when linked together, creates its totality to constitute
the essence of being a group, so that in these isolated ideas in fragments they constitute links
that, having their adjustment, allow reaching the domain, where a puzzle piece contains a
subjective idea that makes sense, because those filings constitute your group.
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