
Vanessa Patricia Peña Llerena


The role of the teacher is to comprehensively educate students by offering them the possibility to acquire personal and social skills to succeed individually and as members of a democratic society; in addition, the teacher must help students to explore the skills and abilities that would be beneficial to their human development and dignity. Comer (cited in McDermott, 2008) argues that the purpose of education is to prepare students to become successful workers, family members, and citizens in a democratic society. From the context we detect the lack of citizenship attitudes. Thus, we pose the research question, to what extent are the English teachers of a Public Institution in Soledad-Atlántico developing citizenship education? This article explores the problem. First, the context is described and the questions are defined, as well as the objectives of the investigation. Next, there is a brief description of literature review; in addition, the important theories that support this study such as critical pedagogy and critical citizenship education in English classrooms. Then, the qualitative methodological design is described and justified from an applied research proposal which shows characteristics of action research and ethnographic study; some of the methods and instruments used to achieve the objectives set for this study are described. Finally, a synthesis of how the results obtained answered the questions posed at the beginning of this study will be presented.  

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Citizenship education, Critical pedagogy, The role of the English teacher, citizenship competences, Citizenship competences, Critical citizenship education

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How to Cite
Peña Llerena, V. P. . (2022). III. THE ROLE OF THE ENGLISH TEACHER IN CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 5(5), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v6i6.56
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