
Aníbal Montiel Ensuncho


This article seeks to establish the challenges and potentialities that Latin America faces
for its integration in times of economic globalization. In this sense, its realization entailed
the search for information in databases of indexed journals of high scientific impact such
as Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus, Redalyc, Dialnet, ScienceDirect, Scielo,
among others, complemented with the review of academic books published by publishers
recognized for their tradition, prestige and quality, with the purpose of giving credibility
to the formulated approaches. This information was subjected to a process of analysis and
interpretation based on the professional experience and the academic background of the
research unit, extracting the most relevant information given the object of study. The
results indicate that there are a series of problems that complicate the successful union,
among these are mentioned: the existence of ideological differences between the rulers,
marked by the confrontation between the defense of the capitalist economy based on the
market, with socialism characterized by a strong State that centralizes decision making in
all scenarios, mainly the economic; the geographical conditions that complicate
commercial exchange, since there is a complex topography in the region that together
with the inadequate road infrastructure makes transportation difficult and expensive; the
presence of fragile institutional processes, characterized by different legal structures, high
level of nepotism and corruption.

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Latin American integration; Economic globalization; protectionism; Free market; Competitiveness

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Revista de Investigación Transdisciplinaria en Educación, Empresa y Sociedad -ITEES
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Citation Format
How to Cite
Montiel Ensuncho, A. (2023). VII. RETOS Y POTENCIALIDADES DE LA INTEGRACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA EN TIEMPOS DE GLOBALIZACIÓN ECONÓMICA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v11i1.549
Artículos Científico