
Wilson Ricardo Pinillos Castillo


Tourism in the department of Cundinamarca represents an opportunity for the development of the Colombian economy. This report is based on the objective of characterizing the tourist demand and supply of the municipality of Subachoque, in order to identify its characteristics and define a strategic market segment. Thus, a mixed descriptive approach was used using primary information through data collection instruments such as surveys applied to a representative sample of 400 people, as well as interviews and group sessions carried out with the leaders of the municipality, service providers, inhabitants of the area and other interested parties. On the other hand, secondary information is supported by government reports, databases of the tourism secretariat and publications referring to the evolution of the sector in the department. The results show that this western savanna area has a wide tourist potential that has various natural, cultural, religious and sports attractions, as well as areas of interest that allow visitors to acquire enriching experiences and thus position itself as a destination referring to Nacional level. However, it is considered that the infrastructure of the territory should be improved without altering the resources that conserve the environment. Its potential clients are young middle-class women who seek rest, health and sports in natural environments.  

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Subachoque, Supply, Demand, Tourism, Characterization

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How to Cite
Pinillos Castillo, W. R. . (2022). I. CHARACTERIZATION OF TOURISM SUPPLY AND DEMAND IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF SUBACHOQUE, CUNDINAMARCA . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 5(5), 1–30. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v6i6.54
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