
Janeth Cecilia Gil Forero - Alejandra López Quintero - Nicolás Gómez Gonzales


The importance of public health surveillance in the context of the
Covid-19 pandemic launched joint actions by social leaders and public health institutions in
order to mitigate risk and preserve life. Objective: Describe public health surveillance for
Covid 19, from community leadership in a health institution in Cali year 2021. Materials
and methods: Cross-sectional observational study of the population prevalence type, with
1381 individuals, application of an online perfection and risk behavior survey, semistructured interview with a focus group of social leaders, where the following was addressed:
Role of the actors, guidance in the pandemic for self-care, health education and community
surveillance for Covid 19. Results: Sociodemographic characteristics of the population,
54.9% women, high school education 42%, socioeconomic stratum, 2 and 3 el 82%. The
perception of risk at the beginning of the pandemic was high due to ignorance of the subject
and fear of the new virus. Conclusions: The community actively participated with the
institution after knowing information generated from the investigation, mortality indicators,
rapid tests, public health surveillance and the regulatory framework. Together, the actions
generated safe environments, care and self-care strategies, training of health managers, led
by the North Health Network with high social participation.

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Community strategies, irrigation mitigation, social participation. SarsCov-2

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How to Cite
Gil Forero -, J. C., López Quintero -, A., & Gómez Gonzales, N. (2022). XXXIX. PUBLIC HEALTH SURVEILLANCE FOR COVID 19, FROM COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. EXPERIENCE IN A HEALTH INSTITUTION IN CALI, YEAR 2021. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.394
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