
Ana Sofia Lopera Riveros - Frank Sebastian Naranjo Castillo - Francisco Alfonso Lanza Rodriguez


The administration of aquaponic systems involves monitoring and control, in real
time, of the different variables that are managed within their processes, which also allows the
development of research processes based on the traceability that can be made to the data
obtained. Due to this, the development of a web application that facilitates the
interconnection and virtual communication between each of the hardware and software
elements that constitute the Experimental Laboratory of Technological Systems Oriented to
Aquaponic Models "LESTOMA" of the University of Cundinamarca is a necessity.
The purpose of this work is to show the proposal for the development of a web
application to support the management and control of an aquaponics laboratory. This
technological proposal was elaborated through a research process that began with the
construction of the state of the art, which allowed the identification of technical and
functional characteristics of technological solutions similar to the one proposed in this project
and which served as a reference to guarantee the innovation of the same, then, the functional
and technical requirements were determined through field visits to the laboratory,
subsequently, for the modelling process UML diagrams were developed, which allowed the
representation of each of the dimensions of the software. Likewise, elements of the agile
methodology and programming tools such as the .NET Framework and Angular were used
to manage the development process.

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Aquaponics, Hardware, Computer system, Software, Web.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Lopera Riveros -, A. S., Naranjo Castillo -, F. S., & Lanza Rodriguez , F. A. (2022). XXXVIII. IT SOLUTION, IN A WEB ENVIRONMENT, TO SUPPORT THE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF AN AQUAPONICS LABORATORY AT A COLOMBIAN UNIVERSITY. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.393
Artículos Científico