
Daniela Estrada Mesa - Javier Darío Montealegre


The current article analyzes why small and medium businesses (PYMES) are vital for
Colombia's economic development. It looks into the approaches and reflections of known
authors on the economic, social, and tax matters. It defines general concepts related to
keywords that become systematic axes to introduce the topic's development. It continues with
the descriptive investigation to determine the hypothesis: 1) How the tax burden and inflation
are structural causes for its extinction. 2) Why the state should develop policies to guarantee
the continuity of ongoing businesses. Premises that are supported recurring to data selection
(authors - media) and validate them through appropriate sources.
Finally, As a result, it can be established that PYMES's payment of its tax obligations
contributes significantly to the expenditure and investment of the state and the economy's
development of the country. It is imperative to note that even during the pandemic period,
the employment generation figures and the emergence of new companies kept on the rise. In
addition, there is evidence that shows that the state's issue tax policies granted several
benefits. These benefits include the postponement of deadlines for the payment of national
departmental and municipal taxes, low credit rates to finance payroll expenses, offering free
design of web pages to promote their economic activities, etc., having as a purpose to
guarantee the continuity of the ongoing business of PYMES.

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PYMES, Tax burden, Inflation, Economic reactivation.

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How to Cite
Estrada Mesa -, D., & Montealegre, J. D. (2022). VIII. TAX BENEFITS FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESSES: ESSENTIAL FOR COLOMBIA’S ECONOMIC REACTIVATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.363
Artículos Científico