
Edwin Ramirez-Asis Misael Maguiña Palma Rosario Huerta-Soto Robert Concepción Lázaro


Due to the excessive growth of companies in the construction sector in Peru and the innumerable accidents that have occurred in construction companies, there is also little concern on the part of managers regarding maintaining a culture of job security in their companies, it is necessary to carry out this work whose objectives were to identify the relationship of work conduct with safety at work in construction companies, establish the type of behavior of workers and the level of safety at work. For this, 74 companies were contacted and 917 workers were interviewed, they used the questionnaires proposed by Aguilar, De Lille, Escamilla & Cetina, (2018) to measure labor behavior and an adaptation of the questionnaire prepared by Gómez, Silva, Vilaret, & Suasnavas (2016) in terms of workplace safety, both instruments went through content validation by three experts and reliability with Cronbach's alpha. The normality test was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, obtaining a p <0.05, which shows that both variables do not have a normal distribution, later using Spearman's Rho = 0.549 and a p value 0.00 **. The conclusions were: there is a moderate positive relationship between work behavior and work safety in construction companies, workers have a negative perception of work behavior and the level of work safety.

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Work conduct, Safety at work, Psychosocial factors, Accident prevention, Occupational health, Construction sector

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How to Cite
Ramirez-Asis, E. ., Maguiña Palma, M. ., Huerta-Soto, R. ., & Concepción Lázaro, R. . (2022). IX. WORK CONDUCT AND SAFETY AT WORK IN CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 2(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v2i2.35
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