
Diana Vanessa Piedrahita Fernández - Carol Vanessa Muñoz Bolívar - Adrián Marcel García Caicedo


The investigation surged besides the need to evaluate the labor conditions of the service from
the volunteer firefighters of Valle del Cauca, since previously these types of evaluations had
not been done. This hid the psychosocial risk factors that the fire station was exposed to.
The investigation had the objective of finding the level of occupational stress of a group of
volunteer firefighter from the department of Valle. This study used a descriptive crosssectional quantitative approach. The objective population was made up of 25 volunteer
firefighters from which 24 of those was counted on for full time participation. Applied was
the instrument of psychosocial risk of the ministry of social protection and Javeriana
University which is formed by 4 surveys which one is specific to determine the health
conditions related to the stress levels. Before taking the survey, informed consent was
obtained so every participant signed to release their personal data in the investigation All the
variables were processed using descriptive statistics which can be said that the firefighters
participating in the study were presenting high emotional stress levels from the labor activity.

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Firefighters, stress, epidemiological, psychosocial profile, occupational health

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How to Cite
Piedrahita Fernández -, D. V., Muñoz Bolívar -, C. V., & García Caicedo , A. M. (2020). CLXVIII. IDENTIFICATION OF PSYCHOSOCIAL RISK FACTORS THAT INDUCE STRESS IN A VOLUNTEER GROUP OF FIREFIGHTERS FROM VALLE DEL CAUCA 2020. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.335
Artículos Científico