
Camilo Andrés Carné Candil


Suicide as "one of the greatest mental pandemics existing at present" (WHO, 2018), has
required the effort of many mental health professionals for its management, which has led to
the superficial and distant understanding of the very essence of the phenomenon of suicide,
which as Albert Camus (1985) said is a phenomenon of existential essence that is manifested
in the psychological expression of the being. Thus, causing that, in the academic
environment, as a clinician, only the symptoms of an even deeper problem are worked on. In
this sense, he proposed this qualitative research with the objective of identifying the influence
that the ontological component of freedom of the being has in the development of the suicidal
process, based on a case study. Within the results obtained, it is identified that the restriction
of the freedom of the being can affect in a collateral way factors like the meaning of it and
the structure of values constructed by the person, being seen this way directly influenced the
suicidal process. It can be concluded that the component of freedom of the being takes an
explanatory role in the gestation of suicide in existential terms, thus showing itself to be a
bridge between the psychophysical and noetic dimensions of the human being.

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suicide, freedom of being, noetic dimension, logotherapy, existentialism

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How to Cite
Carné Candil, C. A. (2020). CLX. SUICIDE AND FREEDOM OF BEING: A LOOK AT LOGOTHERAPY. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.327
Artículos Científico