
Carlos Alberto Baltazar Vilchis - Yenit Martínez Garduño - Antonio Sámano Ángeles


The creation of companies as a factor of economic growth for countries is an extremely
important activity that goes hand in hand with the need to create socially innovative
environments whose purpose is to encourage business creation in a region, it is not just a
factor of economic growth, it is also a means of economic development within a given place.
Technopreneurship is a term originated at Singapore in the 1990s, which refers to a belief
that promotes entrepreneurship through the use of technologies to face the new challenges
that arise with globalization, is a simple way of undertaking within a globalized world
immersed in a world of computing and its technologies, the "Technopreneurship" is a union
of technological prowess, entrepreneurial talent and skills for the creation of an innovative
and creative idea for later commercialization.
The present work aims to develop a proposal for a measurement instrument with a level of
validation and statistical reliability relevant to the determination of Technopreneurship
through Exploratory Factor Analysis as an effective data analysis methodology, taking a
representative sample of the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Administrative Informatics
of the UAEM Atlacomulco University Center during the fall school year 2019, with the
information obtained will be possible to validate how capable students are in the use of ICT
for their benefit, how they take advantage of them and if they have sufficient skills to generate
an undertaking of business

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model, technopreneurship, data analysis, business and computer science, business entrepreneurship.

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How to Cite
Baltazar Vilchis -, C. A., Martínez Garduño -, Y., & Sámano Ángeles, A. (2020). CXLIII. PROPOSAL FOR A MODEL FOR MEASURING TECHNOPRENEURSHIP THROUGH FACTORIAL ANALYSIS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.310
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