
Hugo Johnson Humala Rojas - Fabiola Mayté Zavala Sánchez


Corporate social responsibility -RSC- is a concept with broad conceptual implications. It is
a process under construction that, since its inception, has been nourished by different ideological currents, theoretical postulates, and conceptualizations that, in addition to
providing a foundation, have become its foundations and have become the main reason for
the creation and improvement of CSR instruments. Theorizing this premise allowed to
identify the precepts and central ideas of the theories studied, demystify them and understand
the applications of CSR in the daily activities of organizations; On the other hand, it
encourages thinking about CSR as an element that can generate a metamorphosis in the
company or organization, so that a work policy is instituted with a view to achieving the
development of society, involving social, economic and political aspects, cultural,
environmental, etc. Also, within communication studies, specifically in organizational
communication and public relations, there is academic interest in this topic. Through a
thorough bibliographic exploration, this article reviews the field of study of CSR. In it, the
situation of CSR can be seen from a theoretical point of view. From this, the study shows
several theories that allow us to better understand the CSR applied in organizations

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corporate social responsibility, theories, organizations, communication, companies, public relations, bibliographic review

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How to Cite
Humala Rojas -, H. J., & Zavala Sánchez, F. M. (2020). CXXXVIII. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL APPROACH . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.305
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