
Pedro Emilio Jaimes Delgado - Liliana Margarita Pérez Olmos - Wilman Yesid Ardila Barbosa - Delly Solay Guerrero Villamizar - Sergio Alexander Pérez Torres - Javier Orlando Acevedo Beltrán


The motivations taken into account for the development of this research are based on the
premise that current governments and territorial entities in general require the impact
assessment of the investment that has been carried out in the new public administration
model. It is necessary to have knowledge about the productivity of public spending, and in a
special way, about the impact on mental health and the construction of peace in the
beneficiaries of the Open Air Parks programs -ECOGYM- that leads to evaluate the
effectiveness and efficiency of results and effects. Based on the study of the impact, decisions
can be made on public policy, especially on programs related to mental health, favoring
public policies and therefore have a positive impact on all citizens.
This study aims to make a contribution from the academy to the knowledge of the impacts
emanating from the ECOGYM programs in terms of mental health and peacebuilding, both
of the beneficiaries and their environments, since many of them are found influenced by
youth gangs or patches, as well as groups of young people prone to the consumption,
distribution and commercialization of the different types of drugs and alcohol, which in many
cases have been diminished by sports. From here, a direct relationship is established between
the social sport plans, the benefits and of course the impacts of this archetype that will make
it possible to provide recommendations for improvements in the implementation of new
parks or in the maintenance of existing ones.

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ECOGYM, mental health, construction of PEACE, public policies, parks

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How to Cite
Jaimes Delgado -, P. E., Pérez Olmos -, L. M., Ardila Barbosa -, W. Y., Guerrero Villamizar -, D. S., Pérez Torres -, S. A., & Acevedo Beltrán , J. O. (2020). CXXIX. SOCIAL EVALUATION OF THE "ECOGYM" PROGRAM - AND ITS IMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH BUCARAMANGA-SANTANDER (2013- 2020). Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.295
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