
Jesús Osuna - Jesús Villalba


This article aims to cover the meaning of the reading of satellite maps and the interpretation
of the images that are reproduced and that are sent by nature, for our country. This, bearing
in mind that in today's world it is a subject that has been little studied, but that certainly has
great relevance; to the extent that it is impossible to imagine a scenario where we do not have
a GPS that allows us to locate ourselves in space, where there is no sample of these satellite
maps and a WIFI network that facilitates communication with people who are in the other
side of the world, a function that is performed by satellites; hence the importance of this
article. In the same way, it is a text that responds objectively to want to show, how through
the proposal of a social satellite, it is possible to find solutions within the same society, and
to prevent in this way endless situations related to the security, climate change, the
prolongation or prevention of possible catastrophes and many other scenarios that can only
be obtained from the help generated by satellites. This article responds to a purely
documentary research methodological process, insofar as it is intended to equate its
intentionality with the work that has been carried out in other settings where the results
always end up being timely for the people immersed in the research.

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social satellite, map reading, documentary research, GPS

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Osuna -, J., & Villalba, J. (2020). CXXV. MAP READING AND IMAGE INTERPRETATION. A PROPOSAL FOR A SOCIAL SATELLITE. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.291
Artículos Científico