
Adelaida Ojeda Beltrán Silvana María Botero Quintero Rafael Antonio Jiménez Quintero


The objective proposed in this research arises from the need to know the scientific production about the digital ecosystem used by the new entrepreneurs. This research project is approached from a mixed methodology and is presented in a first phase in a quantitative way, using as a source of information the scientific production indexed in the SCOPUS database. In a second phase, the interpretation of the data is presented through a scientometric study, using bibliometric parameters that allowed the treatment of indexed documents, this allowed to describe the evolution of the scientific activity, the countries and active institutions, most productive authors and the main topics investigated in order to determine the state and describe the evolution of literature in this field. In a third phase the content analysis technique was applied through the use of the VOSviewer Software version 1.6.13. Among the most relevant results, derived from the analysis of concurrence of terms and their respective graphic representation, there is an important increase in the amount of research, low interaction between the collaboration networks of the authors, presence of Latin American researchers and institutions in production with high impact, as well as the existence of new development opportunities for future research.

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How to Cite
Ojeda Beltrán, A. ., Botero Quintero, S. M., & Jiménez Quintero, R. A. . (2022). IDENTIFICATION OF SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS ON DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM FOR ENTREPRENEURS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 2(2), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v2i2.29
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