
Paula Camila Vanegas Ipia - John Edward Ordoñez Ñañez - Carlos William Sánchez


The Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium, UNICATÓLICA is a higher
education institution that provides training in the city of Cali since 1996. At present, it has
various laboratories equipped with devices and tools, which allow the transmission of
theoretical concepts to practice, improving the appropriation of students' knowledge. In this
sense, the Faculty of Basic Sciences and Engineering has physical spaces in which laboratory
practices and / or master classes are developed, which facilitate learning and enhance the
skills and knowledge acquired in the classrooms. Among these spaces is the Software
Development laboratory and the Integral Industrial Engineering laboratory, which are in a
process of adaptation and continuous improvement, because they are relatively new spaces,
they intend to provide a safe environment for their users and take advantage of the items
available. Therefore, it is essential to determine the elements and aspects that must be
considered, within the framework of a proposal for an OSH occupational health and safety
plan for these laboratories. This mechanism is based on resolution 0312 of 2019 generated
by the Ministry of Labor and some engineering tools such as the SWOT matrix, PHVA, risk
maps, signs, behavior standards and the development of an action plan based on a previous
diagnosis, which facilitates the development of a protocol for entry standards, such as acting
in an emergency and reducing the probability of an accident occurring. Finally, with the SST
plan, a proposal was obtained for the standardization of the parameters necessary for the

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Vanegas Ipia -, P. C., Ordoñez Ñañez -, J. E., & Sánchez, C. W. (2020). CXX. PROPOSAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK PLAN FOR THE TEACHING LABORATORIES. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.286
Artículos Científico