
Guillermo León Córdoba Nieto - Oscar Hernán Cerquera Losada


This paper is the sequence of the comparative study of the economy of the apostles of Jesus
Christ1 and the market economy, which began with the study of needs, demand, supply,
partial equilibrium, efficiency, and general equilibrium, and now it continues in the theory
of production.2 The possibility of finding constant and increasing returns is explored. It is
sought in a context of profit maximization in a company that is guided by the way of life of
the apostles of Jesus Christ, "La Verdad" and another market company, "Triticum" subject
to the laws of the market, both in the short term as in the long term. The behavior of variables
such as employment, production, total income, total cost, and benefits is also determined.
In the short term the differences in the results are not so significant, while in the long term,
yes. Labor costs or wages decrease by -66.18% in both cases, and in the second case, there
is an increase in employment of 1,155.53%, the production, the other factor the land, the total
income, the total cost, and the benefits each increase by 324.54%.
The long-term goodness of the company "La Verdad" compared to the company "Triticum"
is verified.

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returns, needs fund, elasticities, labor supply, Smith's paradox, production surplus.

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Samuelson P. A., Nordhaus William D. Economía 19 ed. con aplicaciones a Latinoamérica,
McGraw Hill, México, 2010
Smith Adam, Investigación sobre la naturaleza y causas de la riqueza de las naciones, Fondo
de Cultura Económica, novena reimpresión, México 1997
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How to Cite
Córdoba Nieto -, G. L., & Cerquera Losada, O. H. (2020). CVII. SUPERIORITY OF JESUS CHRISTH APOSTLES´ ECONOMICS OVER MARKET ECONOMICS IN THE THEORY OF PRODUCTION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.273
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