
Edwin Forero-García - Yolanda Triana - Olga Marina García Norato


Engineering programs work to have education processes that efficiently meet the needs of
society, the state, and industry. Electronic engineering is one of the disciplines called upon
to contribute new knowledge that contributes to answering questions that have not yet been
answered in academia or science, to overcome technological development problems in the
country and in the world. For this reason, it is pertinent to know what the technological
requirements of the industry are, not only in terms of the formation of human capacities, but
also in the possibilities it provides in innovation and development to achieve the social
appropriation of knowledge, through the application in real cases of companies, to promote
dialogue between academia, state and industry and provide strategies for national and
international development.
The results presented in this article include models of technology transfer and knowledge
evidenced in the theory and practice found in a judicious review of the state of the art and
the experiences found in this application. Likewise, the description of the common elements
in a transfer process and the interaction between the levels involved are indicated, through
the presentation of a proposed model concept for the transfer of technologies and knowledge
in the relational context between university, state, and industry.

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electronic engineering, knowledge, technology transfer, university, industry

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How to Cite
Forero-García -, E., Triana -, Y., & García Norato, O. M. (2020). XCIX. TECHNOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER MODELS TO PROMOTE UNIVERSITY-COMPANY RELATIONSHIPS IN COLOMBIA . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.264
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