
Yuli Andrea Herrera Triana - Guillermo Alejandro Quiñonez Mosquera


The current University is key in the creation of value for society through the transfer of
knowledge, within these the one that has the most impact on society is the creation of
companies, due to its effect on variables such as job creation, economic growth, and its social
The objective is to analyze the characteristics of the universities and the relationship of the
results of public and private institutions in Colombia that report Companies Result of
University Research (ERIU) at the end of 2018. The mixed quantitative and qualitative
method was used where the universities that report companies because of research to the
Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Minciencias), followed by validation of
the information of the companies through the Single Business Registry (RUES) and of the
universities through the National System of Higher Education (SNIES).
We find 452 enterprises. Among the results obtained are that the universities that report ERIU
with corporate legal nature generate 57% of these, the institutions that belong to the private
sector 74% of ERIU and 41% are from institutions of the Andean region; On the other hand,
56% of the companies have active enrollment for the year 2019 and 28% are directed to the
development of scientific and technical activities. It is concluded with this information that
there is a positive relationship between seniority and high-quality accreditation for the ERIU

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company resulting from university research, university, technology transfer, academic entrepreneurship, university spin-offs

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How to Cite
Herrera Triana -, Y. A., & Quiñonez Mosquera, G. A. (2020). XCII. CHARACTERIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND COMPANIES REPORTED AS A RESULT OF UNIVERSITY INVESTIGATION IN COLOMBIA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.257
Artículos Científico