
Adrián García - Cristian Osorio - Natalia Medina


With the completion of this work, it is possible to identify the level of knowledge that
informal dressmaking workers have about occupational accidents associated with their
workshops in Guadalajara de Buga in 2020.
It was an exploratory investigation, where a checklist designed by the ARL Sura was applied,
to identify risk factors that can cause workplace accidents in dressmaking workshops. The
research focus was quantitative, and the population sample was non-probabilistic at the
convenience of the study. The sample was of two (2) dressmakers to whom the same
instrument of information collection was applied.
For this instrument to fulfill the general objective of this work, the instrument developed by
the Chilean security association was unified in its booklet on risk prevention in garment
manufacturing workshops published in 2017 and a questionnaire to identify the level of
knowledge on occupational accidents developed by Valdiviezo Gutierrez and Palacios
Esquivel presented in their graduate work in 2018.
In this sense, it was possible to identify that the level of knowledge of informal dressmaking
workers about work accidents in the city of Guadalajara de Buga, is medium, since it was
recognized that the population sample identifies most of the risk factors and unsafe acts that
could cause work accidents.

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accidents, knowledge, informal, workshops, work

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Citation Format
How to Cite
García -, A., Osorio -, C., & Medina, N. (2020). XLIV. LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF INFORMAL DRESSMAKERS WORKERS ON WORK ACCIDENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THEIR WORKSHOPS IN GUADALAJARA DE BUGA IN. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.208
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